Pray, Love, Eat … in that order …

I have a lot of faith in prayer. Prayer is like a Pranayam (breathing exercise)  for the soul. Praying takes you closer, closer inside, to your own precious and powerful self.

Once you get in touch with your true self, you become effortless. Praying is one way. For me, praying is very similar to meditating. Just close your eyes, and start drifting inwards.

I can help you clean your mess in life…

Life is messy. That is one big thing that makes life what it is; it is messy. Sometimes, it just so happens that the mess becomes so much and so bad that you wish that you could turn right back around and not look at all that clutter ever again. And what’s beautiful about life is, that you can. You can get out of that room, close the door, and never go there, if you so wish.

But after all, it is your house; where will you go. If you don’t take care of it, there will always be a really messy “room” of your life, lying unused and getting dirtier by the day. It will keep affecting the true potential of your life, not letting you feel free, be free, truly live your life.

Take one step at a time. Try and not look at all that mess as one big mountain of mess. Here is what you can do:

  1. Figure out which is the best time of the day for you; the time of day when you are most awake and alert and also in a comparatively good mood. In that best time of the day, get your best beverage, if you have one, and sit down with a paper and pen, or pencil. 
  2. Now close your eyes and focus. Focus on that mountain of mess. And then, as it comes to your mind, jot down all that is causing that mess, one point after another.
  3. From that list, start prioritising. You can either start with the easiest thing that you can deal with; for example, a habit you can modify to positively affect your life, though it can be anything else. Or, the one thing that is contributing greatly to all that mess; for example, a person, or it could be anything else.  You need to deal with that thing or person systematically.
  4. Now tell yourself, “This is my mess and I am responsible for it.” Try and say it with a smile on your face. With a smile, you can always fake it till you make it, so go ahead and smile even if you don’t feel it coming. 🙂 As you start taking ownership and responsibility, you will feel that you are slowly and gradually getting some clarity and some strength and some sense to deal with all that mess.
  5. Take a deep breath, keep calm, and slowly start towards cleaning up your life; one small thing at a time. It may take time, and some effort, but one day, soon, you’ll be rid of it all, all that mess that once was, and you will have nothing but a squeaky, clean, happy life.

I am a Hypnotherapist based in Delhi; if you wish, I can help you clean your mess. 


If you’ve seen the movie ‘Kung Fu Panda’, there’s a scene where Po’s dad explains to Po the secret to his successful ‘Secret Ingredient Soup’. The secret is that there is no secret ingredient. It’s just plain ol’ noodle soup. It’s the believing that it’s special that makes it so.

And so it is with us. We all have that spark; we all have that special “secret ingredient”. We just need to start believing in that fact, and in ourselves. 🙂