Looking for life purpose?

For some, who are actively looking for a life purpose, the only place to start is within. Looking around, asking others, may not help; with all due respect your guru may not be able to help much either. Your guru may be able to guide you within; but the journey is yours, and yours alone.

It comes very easily to some people, some very few people. They develop amazing talents, or things that they are very passionate about early on in life; they have a clarity of purpose from a very young age. Some have it, and then lose it; like your truly. That’s perfectly alright. Some find it traveling. Some finding it sitting, ruminating. Some, when they are way past 40, or 50, or even 60. Doesn’t really matter. With life purpose, it’s like that Hindi proverb, ‘Jab jago, tab savera’, which means, when you wake up, it’s morning.

One way, to understand your life purpose, is to look at your life; introspect. How have you been living your life…or it’s your life that has been living you. Has there been a set pattern? Is there a particular kind of people you keep ending up around, or certain situations or circumstances you find yourself often in. Like, for example, throughout my life, I have met many angry people, it’s because I know I have anger issues; or have had. And that is one thing I need to (or needed to) work upon. I would know for sure once I get an opportunity to get adequately angry. So if there is a particular kind of people you keep meeting, or, there is a kind of set role you keep playing, in your own life, in other people’s life, then that is what you came to this life for. For example, if you end of being a doormat, for everyone you meet, you need to work on your esteem. At the same time, your role in life could be, to silently, and lovingly provide support. You could keep doing that, but ensuring that no one takes you for granted, or takes you for a ride, once you’ve worked on that self-esteem issue. If you find yourself solving other people’s problems, well, then that is your calling. If you love too cook for everyone…so on, and so forth.

So, see, and think, and consider. Take a deep breath, relax, and then, see, and think, and consider.

Always being “busy” is not going to help. “Oh, I don’t have time.” Well, then, stop cribbing, and focus on your work, and don’t think about things that you won’t do, or can’t do, at least not right now. But one good way to hone your skills, understand your life purpose, and generally understand life, and what role you play in it, is to take out time for yourself, do just what you want to do; even if it is one hour each day, early morning, or evening. Or maybe a week or two every few months. At least, make a start.

And, pray. It helps.

~As originally posted on http://www.teerathyatra.com/

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